Looking to bring comprehensive women’s health benefits to your workforce?

We took to a network of CFOs to better understand, directly from these financial minds, what they look for when greenlighting new benefits.

Women's health benefits have become increasingly pivotal benefits for employers to offer. But in 2025, with healthcare costs expected to rise nearly 6%, many companies are working to cut or streamline budgets, which places greater emphasis on cost and return on investment (ROI). Benefit leaders must be in lockstep with their Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) to balance financial obligations with the need to drive employee engagement and retention. 

Progyny recently facilitated feedback from a network of CFOs to better understand what they look for in a new women's health benefit solution.  

Download our free analysis to learn more about the case you can make to your financially-focused colleagues for comprehensive women’s healthcare benefits that will support your members throughout pivotal milestones, while driving down your healthcare costs.  

Download now to begin your journey toward comprehensive women's healthcare benefits.

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